Meeting Pearls 2
Meeting Pearls Vol. II (1995)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!].iso
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Text File
507 lines
% @stylefile{Super tabular
% shortpackagename = {supertab},
% longpackagename = {supertabular},
% baseformats = {\LaTeX 2.09},
% version = {3.6h},
% date = {1992-07-03},
% author = {Theo Jurriens,
% P.O Box 800,
% 9700 AV Groningen},
% abstract = {This file provides the supertabular environment, which
% is an extension to the standard tabular environment.
% Large tabulars are automatically split across pages.
% Seperate commands for the table-head and table-tail
% are provided, in order to repeat these on each page.}
% infauthor = {Johannes Braams,
% J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl,
% PTT Research,
% P.O. Box 421,
% 2260 AK Leidschendam}
% infdate = {1990-10-16}}
% supertabular sty
% original idea: Theo Jurriens 1988
% TAJ@hgrrug5 P.O Box 800, 9700 AV Groningen
% revised by: Johannes Braams
% J.L.Braams@research.ptt.nl PTT Research Leidschendam (NL)
% 10.07.92 - Still a problem in the combination of supertabular with array.sty
% V 3.6h I overlooked the fact that array doesn't use \@tabulacr anymore
% and it behaves differently with respect to \@startparbox.
% 03.07.92 - A problem in the combination of supertabular with array.sty
% V 3.6g It can be solved by removing the \string from \def\tableformat
% and passing \tableformat expanded to \tabular.
% 11.02.92 - Bug found by Michael Heissmeier when p{...} is used.
% V 3.6f A change in LaTeX.tex didn't find its way into supertabular.
% 01.08.91 - Take height of tabletail into account when computing the
% V 3.6e maximum tableheight; add tolerance on first (partial) page
% of the supertabular.
% 27.06.91 - Cured bug that made the first part of the table one line
% V 3.6d shorter than the others. Appeared when supertabular was
% used in a twocolumn environment.
% 26.06.91 - Made \@process@tablecaption a global macro. Previous caption
% V 3.6c turned up on a table without one.
% 27.05.91 - Replaced \clearpage with \newpage to make supertabulars work
% V 3.6b in a twocolumn environment. This also prevents all floats
% from being printed.
% 15.02.91 - Because of the check for the use of tablefirsthead the
% V 3.6a combination of an \hline in the head and an \hline as the first
% thing in the data went wrong. The \futurelet in the definition
% of \hline found \fi instead of \hline, so no \doublerulesep
% was added.
% Also had to modify the way the environments were defined.
% The blank space (from the CR after the argument of \supertabular)
% has to be gobbled. This can only be done using a construction
% like \def\command#1 {...}. So removed the use of \newenvironment
% 04.02.91 - Added the commands \topcaption, \bottomcaption and \tablecaption
% V 3.6 to include a caption within the supertabular environment. The
% default behaviour is to put the caption before the actual start
% of the table.
% - Also added \tablefirsthead and \tablelasttail to let the
% user specify a different head for the first page of the table
% and for consecutive pages as well as different tails for first
% pages and the last one. If these commands are not used, the
% default behaviour will be to use the value of \tablehead end
% \tabletail
% - Removed the need for the \noalign{\global\let\\=\@stabularcr}
% commands by storing and resetting \@stabularcr
% 16.10.90 Added the supertabular* environment that was in an earlier
% V 3.5 version (2.0) by the original author
% Reintroduced the version numbering
% revised by: Gabriele Kruljac
% kruljac@ds0mpi11 Max-Planck-Institute Stuttgart
% 06.06.89 Correction: now care is taken of probably existing onecolumn
% head (title or tables ...) in twocolumn sty.
% 10.05.89 Correction: the new \\ definition has been added to the
% begin of each `sub'-tabular
% Added: algorithm to produce the tabulars in twocolumn style
% 06.04.89 Correction: put \global statement in \end{supertabular}
% into \noalign
% 22.02.89 Correction: restore the original meaning of \\ with
% \end{supertabular}
% (Feb 89) The whole algorithm has been changed, so that I can use
% the most features of a normal tabular:
% \\ for new line, including \\[#1]
% p{...} in the preamble ...
% Account is taken to \baselinestretch and \arraystretch
% -I'm not counting the lines because of too much rounding errors
% but instead I add the (estimated) used space in pt.
% -The tablehead is taken into this algorithm of proofing, so
% I really know how much space the head uses.
% -When no p-arg is given I add a variable \midlineheight to
% calculate the used space. To calculate \midlineheight I
% take the \baselineskip, which is active when the supertabular
% starts (\baselineskip includes the \value of \baselinestretch)
% and multiply it with \arraystretch.
% -When a p-arg is given the text will be stored in a box. So
% I know the height I have to add. Also I reduce the maximum
% pagesize, so that the last parbox on a page can get up to
% max 4 lines without producing an overfull vbox.
% -To do so I had to make some additions to LaTeX's tabular
% commands. These new commands got a leading `s'.
% Weak points:
% -When the material of a normal entry (not a p-arg) becomes
% larger than the estimated \midlineheight, overfull vboxes
% will be produced at all.
% -When the last p-arg on a page gets more than 4 lines
% (probably even more than 3 lines) it will result in an
% overfull vbox.
% Also some combinations of \baselinestretch \arraystretch and
% a large font may lead to one line too much.
% -if accidentally the last line of the tabular produces
% a newpage, on the next page the tabletail will be written
% immediately after the tablehead. Depending on the contents
% this may result in an error message regarding misplaced
% \noalign.
% A quick but not very elegant solution: shrink \maxsize by
% \noalign{\global\maxsize=...pt} after the first \\ of the
% supertabular.
% Added the user-commands \topcaption and \bottomcaption which set the boolean
% @topcaption to determine where to put the tablecaption. The default
% is to put the caption on the top of the table
\newif\if@topcaption \@topcaptiontrue
% Added the command \tablecaption, with the use of the definition
% of the \caption and \@caption commands from latex.tex.
% This command has to function exactly like \caption does except it
% has to store its argument (and the optional argument) for later
% processing WITHIN the supertabular environment
% JB
\long\def\tablecaption{\refstepcounter{table} \@dblarg{\@xtablecaption}}
% This is a redefinition of LaTeX's \@caption, \@makecaption is
% called within a group so as not to return to \normalsize globally.
% also a fix is made for the `feature' of the \@makecaption of article.sty and
% friends that a caption ALWAYS gets a \vskip 10pt at the top and NONE at the
% bottom. If a user wants to precede his table with a caption this results
% in a collision.
\addcontentsline{\csname ext@#1\endcsname}{#1}%
{\protect\numberline{\csname the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}
\if@topcaption \vskip -10pt \fi % 'fix'
\@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\par
\if@topcaption \vskip 10pt \fi % 'fix'
% % \tablehead activates the new tabular \cr
% % commands
% If the user uses an extra amount of tabular-data (like \multicolumn)
% in \verb=\tabletail= \TeX\ starts looping because of the definition
% of \verb=\nextline=. So make \verb=\\= act like just a \verb=\cr=
% inside this tail to prevent the loop.
% Save and restore the value of \verb=\\=
\newdimen\maxsize % maximum pagesize
\newdimen\actsize % actual pagesize
\newdimen\twocolsize % needed for correct max height if twocolumn
\newdimen\parboxheight % height plus depth of a parbox-argument
\newdimen\addspace % stores the value of \\[#1]
\newdimen\midlineheight % estimated size of a normal line
\newdimen\pargcorrection % to set page height tolerance if p-arg
\newdimen\computedimens % computation variable
% %%%% Redefine original LaTeX tabular \cr commands. %%%%
% %%%% New tabular \cr commands get a leading `s' %%%%
% % Insert \nextline command for counting
% % contents of command unchanged
\def\@sargtabularcr[#1]{\ifnum0=`{\fi}\ifdim #1>\z@
\unskip\@sxargarraycr{#1}\else \@syargarraycr{#1}\fi}
% % here copy the value #1 of [ ] of \\
% % to \addspace
\def\@sxargarraycr#1{\@tempdima #1\advance\@tempdima \dp \@arstrutbox
\vrule \@height\z@ \@depth\@tempdima \@width\z@ \cr
% % command will be called when \\[0pt]
\def\@syargarraycr#1{\cr\noalign{\vskip #1\global\addspace=#1}\nextline}
% %%%% Redefine original LaTeX p-arg commands. %%%%
% %%%% New commands get a leading `s' %%%%
% % reduce maximum pagesize to have
% % a small tolerance for last entry
\def\@sstartpbox#1{\global\advance\maxsize by -\pargcorrection
% % put text into box to save height
\global\advance\maxsize by -\pargcorrection
% 11/03/92 JB: The following change didn't find its way into the
% \@sendpbox command. This caused a difference in linespacing
% between a supertabular and a normal tabular.
% \def\@endpbox{\unskip\strut\par\egroup\hfil}
% % 14 Jan 89: Def of \@endpbox changed from
% % \def\@endpbox{\par\vskip\dp\@arstrutbox\egroup\hfil}
% % so vertical spacing works out right if the last line of a `p' entry
% % has a descender.
\advance\computedimens by \dp\tabparbox
\advance\computedimens by \dp\tabparbox
% %%%% Here start really new supertabular commands %%%%
% % estimate height of normal line
% % regarding \array- and \baselinestretch
\def\calmidlineheight{\midlineheight=\arraystretch \baslineskp
\global\advance\midlineheight by 1\p@
\def\calpage{\global\actsize=\pagetotal % where am I on the actual page?
\twocolsize=\textheight % added 06.06.89
\advance\twocolsize by -\@colroom % "
\advance\actsize by \twocolsize % "
\global\advance\actsize by \midlineheight
\maxsize=\textheight % start a new page when 90% of
\multiply \maxsize by 9 % the page are used
\divide\maxsize by 10
% Add a litle tolerance on the firsat (partial) page V3.6e
\advance\actsize 2\midlineheight
\ifnum\actsize > \maxsize
\maxsize=\textheight % now set \maxsize with tolerance
% measure the height of the tabletail and substract from \maxsize
\global\advance\maxsize by-\ht\@tempboxa}
% Here is the definition of supertabular
% modified JB (15.2.91)
\def\supertabular#1 {\def\tableformat{#1} % store preamble
\global\starfalse % remember this is the normal version
% % Check if we have to insert a caption
% % save old \\ moved from below V3.6e
\calmidlineheight% estimate height of a normal line
\calpage % calculate max. pagesize and startpoint
\ifx\undefined\@classix % then array.sty is not loaded
% % save old \@tabularcr
\let\@@tabularcr\@tabularcr% Added JB 4/2/91
% % Now insert the definition of \@stabularcr
% % activate new parbox algorithm
% Moved the check for the use of \tablefirsthead to befor the start of
% the tabular environment in order to make the \futurelet inside \hline
% do its work correctly (15.02.91)
\fi% Added JB 4/2/91
% % start normal tabular environment
\@@tablehead}% Added JB 15/2/91
% % this is \end{supertabular}
\fi% Added JB 4/2/91
% % restore old \@tabularcr
\ifx\undefined\@classix % then array.sty is not loaded
\let\@tabularcr\@@tabularcr % Added JB 4/2/91
% % Check if we have to insert a caption
% % restore to default behaviour
% Restore the meaning of \verb=\\= to the one it had before the start
% of this environment. Also re-initialize some control-sequences
\let\@table@first@head\undefined % For the next ocurrence
\let\@table@last@tail\undefined % of this environment
% % Here is the definition of supertabular*
\@namedef{supertabular*}#1#2 {\def\tableformat{#2} % store preamble
\tabularwidth=#1 % The total width of the tabular
\global\startrue % remember this is the *-version
% % Check if we have to insert a caption
\calmidlineheight% estimate height of a normal line
\calpage % calculate max. pagesize and startpoint
\ifx\undefined\@classix % then array.sty is not loaded
% % save old \@tabularcr
\let\@@tabularcr\@tabularcr% Added JB 4/2/91
% % Now insert the definition of \@stabularcr
% % activate new parbox algorithm
% The same modification as for \tabular 15.2.91
\fi% Added JB 4/2/91
% % start normal tabular environment
\expandafter\csname tabular*\expandafter\endcsname
% % this is \end{supertabular*}
\fi% Added JB 4/2/91
\csname endtabular*\endcsname
% % restore old \@tabularcr
\ifx\undefined\@classix % then array.sty is not loaded
\let\@tabularcr\@@tabularcr % Added JB 4/2/91
% Check if we have to insert a caption
% restore to default behaviour
% Restore the meaning of \verb=\\= to the one it had before the start
% of this environment. Also re-initialize some control-sequences
\let\@table@first@head\undefined % For the next ocurrence
\let\@table@last@tail\undefined % of this environment
\def\nextline{% %%% algorithm to calculate the pagebreaks %%%
% V3.6e, non-empty line, but empty parbox, then \parboxheight might
% be non-zero, but too small thereby breaking the algorithm.
% % if no p-arg add `normal' line height
\advance\actsize by \midlineheight
% % \addspace is value #1 of \\[#1]
\global\advance\actsize by \addspace
% % if p-arg add height of box and more
\global\advance\actsize by \parboxheight
\divide\parboxheight by 11\relax
\global\advance\actsize by \parboxheight%
% % when page becomes full:
% This line is necessary because the tablehead has to be inserted *after*
% the \if\else\fi-clause. For this purpose \next is used. In the middle
% of tableprocessing it shoud be an *empty* macro (*not* \relax).
% (15.2.91)
% % output \tabletail, close tabular
% % output all material and start a
% % fresh new page
\ifstar% % Added 16-10-90
\csname endtabular*\endcsname
\if@twocolumn% % added 10.05.89
\if@firstcolumn% %
\newpage% %
\else% %
\clearpage% %
\fi% %
\twocolsize=\textheight% % added 06.06.89
\advance\twocolsize by -\@colroom% % "
\global\actsize=\twocolsize% % "
% The following lined added 27/6/91 like in the definition of \calpage
\global\advance\actsize by \midlineheight
\else %
\clearpage %
\fi %
\let\next\@tablehead% % Added 15.2.91
\ifstar% % Added 16-10-90
\expandafter\csname tabular*\expandafter\endcsname
\fi\next}% % Added \next 15.2.91